
Custom Architectural Metalwork

It’s night (and day)

In architectural metalwork, the play of natural light and dark is always a little maddening. Usually when making an exterior light fixture one mainly considers natural light and how the metal will affect it’s surroundings during the day. However, night falls and the illumination comes not from the sun and externally, but from within, source based if you will, and sometimes you get results that are totally unexpected. Here you see a day version of an entry.
The steel fixtures work well with the stone, beams and glass and this is really the main context for which they were designed.
However, night falls and the lights come on and what a difference!
Now, I readily admit it’s difficult to design in this context, but you have to consider it as the work becomes so dramatically different in the dark. The center chandelier lights down only to light the door step and it’s form kind of disappears in the dark; the sconces wash the masonry with light and there is more light coming from the interior of the home. Things to think on!

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